The Infinity Keys Tool ‘Enhancing Your Awareness’
I believe, we all have special abilities or gifts and that will manifest if we pay attention or be in awareness. My life journey, like yours, may have led you down many paths. One of those paths is self-healing and assisting others to heal. I would like to take a moment to share part of my path with you.
First, I was always fascinated by intuition, synchronicity, being present, and the desire to trust my knowing. Along the way, I came across information that some people had psychic gifts that helped them. At the time, I did not believe I had the gifts to feel, see, hear, or have the knowledge of a person, situation, or event. However, I was aware that intuition, and trusting such knowledge was an important piece of my journey on the path of healing others and myself.
Is it possible Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, or Claircognizance abilities can be developed and enhanced? Yes, they can!
I can speak from experience, by understanding the above states of intuition, and with the practice of using the Lynch techniques daily, my gift of Claircognizance continues to manifest, enhancing my journey of healing and yours.
Clairsentience is a state of intuition that involves the perception or sense of energy or information through feelings, emotions, or physical sensations. People with clairsentience can pick up on the energy or vibrations of people, places, or objects and can often sense the emotions, intentions, or past experiences associated with them. This ability allows you to have a heightened sense of empathy and intuition. It can provide insights and guidance based on the information you receive through your feelings or sensations. This can be extremely helpful when you are using the techniques to heal.
Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive or see information or events that are not visible to the physical eye. Clairvoyants can receive visual information or images through their mind’s eye or inner vision. It is a state of intuition involving the ability to see images, colors, symbols, or scenes that provide insights or messages about a person, situation, or event. These visions can be images, flashes, or movies playing in their mind from past, present, or future. They are not limited to seeing physical events or objects, they can perceive spiritual beings, auras, entities, or energy fields.
Clairaudience is the ability to perceive or hear information or sounds that are not audible to the physical ear but through your inner hearing or inner voice. They may hear voices, sounds, music, or even specific messages about a person’s situation or even specific words or phrases or messages about a person, situation, or event. The perceptions can occur as if someone is speaking directly to them or as subtle whispers or thoughts in their mind. It is not limited to hearing physical sounds or voices. It can involve perceiving from spirit beings, guides, or higher realms.
Claircognizance is a state of intuition that involves the ability to have sudden or spontaneous knowledge or understanding about a person, situation, or event without any logical or rational explanation. You may experience a strong sense of Knowing or a deep intuition about something, even though you can not explain why you know it. You may receive information or insights in the form of thoughts, ideas, or sudden understanding that seems to come out of nowhere. You may have a knack for problem-solving or making decisions based on your intuitive knowledge.
As I think back on my life’s journey, I believe my intuition was always there on some level and I chose to pay attention, next was my problem-solving skills, even in my business and personal world. I am confident that by practicing the Lynch techniques, my awareness, intuition, and knowing are enhanced, to the where I am receiving information and insights from thoughts and ideas on a going basis.
There are three tools I use to help you feel, see, hear, or know when change occurs in your body. The tools are muscle testing, asking your body a question, and using your body as a pendulum to verify your knowing that energy releases, shifts, or changes have occurred.
Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, is a technique used to evaluate the strength and function of muscles in the body. It is based on the principle that the body's muscles are connected to the nervous system and that the nervous system responds to stimuli predictably.
A practitioner will ask the patient to resist or hold a specific position while the practitioner applies pressure to the muscle being tested, usually the person's extended arm. The practitioner evaluates the strength and or weaknesses of the question or object.
Muscle testing can be used to diagnose a variety of conditions, including muscle imbalances, joint dysfunction, and nerve damage, and to identify food sensitivities, allergies, and other health issues. In our application, it will help us identify if something is making us feel strong or weak. And in some cases used to quantify the degree of our experience, for example, how your body’s overall energy is at a given moment in time using a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being high energy.
It is usually done by a practitioner to you. However, there are ways you can learn to do it yourself. Here is an excellent YouTube video explaining 7 ways you can muscle test yourself:
I like the 2nd way, using – Fingers as Arms and of course, the Pendulum style is a combination of the Stand and sway and Pendulum.
The Pendulum Muscle test
Using Your body as a Pendulum helps you to learn to trust your intuition and connect with your higher self. It can offset the way your thoughts and mind get in the way of trusting your intuition. Since we are always present in our bodies, understanding how we can use our bodies as pendulums is a tool we can use at any given moment in our lives. Letting our bodies tell us what is happening inside of us will in turn help to guide us through not just daily but also major life decisions.
This technique is known as self-inquiry or self-questioning and can be used to gain insight into one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The simple act of letting your physical being lead you in a certain direction can offer you extremely deep insights and help you find the answers you seek. This is especially handy if you are muscle testing another person remotely or when on a video call.
It is an excellent tool to quantify the change that has occurred. It has the advantage of giving you a starting point when doing a process or technique when you are first starting, enhancing your intuition skills, and helping a client or friend see the change that has occurred. At the end of every process please ask the question again. This helps train your body to recognize and feel how the resistance or pain has been released and energy flows have increased. I have found that this process has been more effective for a greater range of questions and situations than self-muscle testing.
You will stand with your feet hip or shoulder width apart, with knees slightly bent. You will first ask a couple of questions to find how your body reacts to a yes and then to a no. Usually but not, everyone will get a forward movement for a yes and a back movement for a no. However, I have seen the opposite, if your body sways from side to side, it's asking for a more precise question.
Test with questions you know the answer to, whether yes or no. For example, say your name as a question; My name is Bob? No, and you moved backward. or My name is Bill? yes. and you moved forward.)
Practicing this tool will help you feel the movement of the yes or no. Here are a couple of ways to teach your body to respond with a yes or no answer:
-Body, do we like chocolate? The body moves forward, a yes.
-Body, do we like white chocolate? The body moves back, a no.
- Body, do we like dark chocolate? The body moves forward, a yes.
Let’s say you are on Zoom, and you want to muscle-test someone to show the changes the process will accomplish. Use this question to ask where the participant is at the beginning of the process: Ask on a scale of 1-10, Body are we balanced today? Yes or/no. Next, let’s quantify it by asking; Body on a scale of 1-10, with l being on the low end, are we less than a 3? No less than a 4? No less than a 6? Yes, Body are we a 6? Yes. (Or until you get a yes.) Take note that it was a 6. In this example, after the technique was finished, the person went from a 6 to a level 8, for some, that is a big change, and there may be more work to do.
Or you could simply ask, Body, on a scale of 1-10, l being the low energy end of the scale what number would that be? You may hear or get a 5. Double check by asking, Body, are we at a level 5 in our body energy balance? If you lean forward, it’s a yes.
At the end of every process please ask the question again. This helps train your brain and body to recognize and feel how the resistance or pain has been released and cleared or energy flows have increased.
Practice with this and have a little fun! Questions:
You can also use this for substances, like supplements, or what to wear, what to eat, and what energy technique do I need right now. Triad technique? Torsion Body Balance? Ego Pull? Clear my glasses? etc.
Body what exercise or movement would you like to do today? How about going for a walk? No. Would you like to do some yoga? No. Would you like to go golfing? Yes
Try it now! Body are you hungry? Your body moves backward it means no. Then ask, Body are you thirsty? If it says yes, you know your body just needed some hydration. Another example is as in the process above, ask -Body is the resistance or energy blocks clear now? If yes, move on, if no then continue to work in that area until you get a yes
Ask Your Body
Ask Your Body is a technique that involves using your intuition without the body’s physical movement to answer yes or no questions and to ask yourself questions to get a quantitative answer.
Asking Your Body is the same process as the Pendulum, you first need to establish a baseline response. This can be done by asking yourself a question that you know the answer to, such as "Is my name [insert your name]?" listen to your inner voice - it will say “yes" or "no".
Let’s say you are on Zoom, and you want to muscle-test someone to show the changes the process will accomplish. Ask them to ask this question to ask where they are, at the beginning of the process: They ask their body: ‘On a scale of 1-10, Body are we balanced today?’ Yes or/no. Next, they can quantify it by asking; ‘Body on a scale of 1-10, with l being on the low end, are we less than a 3? No less than a 4? No less than a 6? Yes, Body are we a 6? Yes. (Or until you get a yes.) Take note that it was a 6. In this example, after the technique was finished, the person went from a 6 to a level 8, for some, that is a big change, and there may be more work to do.
It's also important to approach divination with an open mind and not rely solely on this technique for making important decisions. It's important to note, this is a stepping stone to your enhanced awareness and intuition, and the above tools are not always accurate and may be influenced by biases or subjective interpretations.
No matter what style of muscle testing is used we need to adapt to the environment and/or person. We use a ‘Crossed-wire effect’ to muscle test when adapting to our system of techniques as people who use these techniques will be more susceptible to the effects of the environment and they need to be able to be aware of their own reaction to where, with whom, and when they are using muscle testing. The ‘Crossed Wire Effect’ releases all things which are affecting the muscle test process, the higher level of your ability to feel, and the removal of points of resistance allows for higher value testing.
In closing, I started with the Pendulum technique and moved forward to Asking my body as I believe it sharpened my awareness and honed my intuition. If you know which gift of intuition you have, please continue to fine-tune, if not, be in awareness, and review the information above from time to time after practicing the Lynch techniques. Check out for more information on classes, workshops, and blogs.
This information is compiled from a variety of sources and years of practice and evolving by Phyllis St Laurent. July 23, 2023.