Is Energy Medicine a possible solution to offset the effects of neurodegeneration of aging?
“Melatonin can also protect against neurodegeneration, which is the progressive loss of function of neurons”.
Neurodegeneration of Aging And Energy Medicine
I found this interesting statement in an article, “Melatonin can also protect against neurodegeneration, which is the progressive loss of function of neurons”. Therefore, with Alzheimer’s and Dementia filling our senior’s care centers, it is very important to pay attention to anything that can help us prevent or slow this neurodegeneration. This led me to do some research to help connect the dots between Energy medicine and the possibility of at least slowing the effects of aging on our bodies and our minds.
What is neurodegeneration? Neurodegenerative is caused by the progressive loss of function of neurons. Neurodegenerative diseases include Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, mulriplt system atrophy, prion diseases.
The greatest risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases is aging. Mitochondrial DNA mutations as well as Oxidative stress both contribute to aging. Many of these diseases have one constant factor, which is that in each disease, neurons gradually lose function as the disease progresses with age. It has been proposed that DNA damage accumulation provides the underlying causative link between aging and neurodegenerative disease. Protein toxicity is one of the key mechanisms of many neurodegenerative diseases.
Interestingly, DNA consists of two strands wound together to form a double helix and is the starting point for making all the proteins in the human body, estimated to be as many as one million. Proteins form the internal machinery within brain cells and the connective tissue between brain cells. They also control the chemical reactions that allow brain cells to communicate with each other.
Increased oxidative DNA damage in the brain is associated with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s. Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that results in the loss of neurons and synapse's in the cerebral cortex and certain subcortical structures, resulting in gross atrophy of the temporal lobe, parietal lobe and parts of he frontal cortex and cingulate gyrus. It is the most common neurodegenerative disease. Overall, studies imply that DNA damage is indeed the cause, rather than the effect, of neurodegeneration, and therefore efforts should be made to find molecules that can improve DNA repair enzyme activity.
Another area of challenge that has been studied is the role of melatonin and the pineal which is part of the Endocrine system. Your endocrine system is a network of several glands that create and secrete (release) hormones directly into your bloodstream to your organs, skin, muscles, and other tissues. These signals tell your body what to do and when to do it. The following organs and glands make up your endocrine system: Hypothalamus, Pituitary gland, Thyroid, Parathyroid glands, Adrenal glands, Pineal gland, Pancreas, Ovaries, and Testes.
The Pineal gland, which is shaped like a tiny pinecone, is located in your brain beneath the back part of the corpus callosum. Your pineal gland's main job is to secrete the hormone melatonin to help control the circadian cycle of sleep and wakefulness by secreting melatonin.
Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. The pineal gland releases the highest levels of melatonin when there's darkness and decreases melatonin production when you're exposed to light. While melatonin is not essential for sleeping, you sleep better when you have the highest levels of melatonin in your body.
Your pineal gland tends to calcify as you age. Calcification happens when calcium builds up in body tissue, causing the tissue to harden. While some calcification is normal, excessive calcification can prevent your pineal gland from functioning properly. Some studies have revealed that the degree of calcification of the pineal gland is higher in those affected by Alzheimer's disease. More studies need to be done to determine the exact effects of the pineal gland.
If this has merit, then let’s do what we can to protect this vital gland. Thousands suffer from lack of sleep, and lack of sleep does not allow our body to heal itself which in turn creates many other diseases.
I believe in the possibility of energy medicine and the Lynch techniques that specifically work on the Brain such as Roto-Rooter, DNA, and Basal Ganglia can help stop or a least slow down the neurodegeneration we face as we age. These energy techniques can help us clear stagnation and release energetic resistance in our body including various glands and organs.