When Actions or Inactions Steal Your Joy

The question was do the actions or inactions of others steal your joy?

Two weeks ago, I would have said; "No that does not apply", however, that was not the case.

Maybe we are more sensitive during the holiday season or maybe it was just time to pay attention and learn the lesson.

 What did I learn?

For me, one of those people that go around trying to help everyone and has a strong need to fix everything, there were some hard lessons:

It's not my job to fix everything, nor is it necessary to help everyone all the time.

It is my job to let people live their own lives and for me to live mine.

It is acceptable for others to be less thoughtful if they choose, they can't read my mind.

And the biggest one:

To be true to yourself and learn to say “No”. Or at least start with "I am unavailable", or "that doesn't work for me".

 There are things I can’t control: people’s behavior, what people say, the weather, the past, traffic, people's happiness, and predicting what will happen.

Instead, I choose to focus on: my thoughts, my reactions, my personal growth, how I treat others, how I view myself, my attitude, and my actions.

This has taught me to stop and ask:

What is the message or lesson here?

What do I really want to choose? 

How can I move forward that will bring me peace and joy?

 Maybe I am not the only one who has recently experienced this. If so, I hope this is helpful to you. 🙏 Phyllis St Laurent

The Infinity Keys




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