Initial 1.0 Level Training -6-Week Zoom Class Series
Starting Tuesdays, February 4 to March 11, 2025, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm Central time.
Empower yourself with the Tools and Techniques to bring about Self-healing.
The Initial 1.0 Training introduces you to the increasing levels of the Lynch techniques designed to open your body’s energy centers for increased energy and flow while increasing your awareness for self-healing and the ability to operate at a higher vibrational level. We have access to unlimited sources of energy and creativity, but life is unpredictable, with obstacles along the way.
Some of these techniques enable us to manipulate the energy circuits in our physical or subtle bodies to regain balance and facilitate our body’s innate healing mechanisms, by creating the perfect environment.
Energy is stored in our cells as electromagnetic charges, by working with the techniques we can help our limbic and endocrine systems function, possibly stop neurodegeneration, and stimulate our body's ancient healing system. This ancient technology is already embedded in our bodies and brains to assist our continued evolution. This is a prerequisite for the Embodiment Level. Please contact Phyllis with your questions, alternate dates or times at
Please see the description of the individual techniques in the Techniques Section. Register NOW!
The Energy Exchange is $150 US.