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Initial Level Training - In Person-Live In Puerto Vallarta

Initial Level Training In Person- Live, In Puerto Vallarta

Wednesday: Starting March 27 to April 17, 2024, Wednesday Evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Central/ Puerto Vallarta time.

This Series runs from March 27 to April 17, 2024. A unique opportunity to have a live in person series of Classes. The series is 10 hours of learning and practicing, including Training Manual Initial Level with QR codes for the videos of each Technique.

The Initial Level Manual introduces you to higher levels the Lynch techniques which are designed to open your body’s energy centers for increased energy and flow, while increasing your awareness for self-healing and your ability to operate at a higher vibrational level. Each of us has access to an unlimited source of energy and creativity, but life is unpredictable and along the way, there are sometimes obstacles.

Additional information in Workshop and Techniques Pages .

January 31

Initial Level Training - In Person-Live In Puerto Vallarta

May 15

“Create More Energy Anytime” Class >>